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What strategies does Pathway Investments use to help you, as a devoted Christian investor?

  • First, we look at your score from the Investor Profile Questionnaire, which you can complete (located under the Strategies tab, under the “How Should I Invest?”)  Your score from the short questionnaire tells us how we should recommend an allocation of stocks, bonds, etc  in your portfolio.

  • Then, we look for quality, morally-screened, pro-family investments from a large brokerage of more than 100,000 investments.

  • And finally, we consider several factors in finding quality for you: 1) Morningstar ratings/a consistent historically positive performance; 2) Volatility; and 3) Expenses.

  • NOTE FOR CONSERVATIVE INVESTORS:  Due to interest rate risk on bonds, our conservative investors may wish to place a portion of their portfolios in one of our many guaranteed annuity accounts. We offer many nice fixed interest rate accounts through a brokerage of acceptable companies. 


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